Although Roleplay City do not allow existing characters from gaming (or any broadcast media or literature) we have made an exception for Masquerade species charts, designed by White Wolf Game Studio, simply for roleplaying variety and the large amount of followers. Please note that your characters should be customised and invented by you based off the following sheets.

Classification: Vampire

[pronounced: Brew - Ha]

Symbol: Upside down letter A in a circle, all in red

The Brujah are inheritors of a majestic and ancient legacy, which is unfortunate. Tonight's Brujah seem less like a clan and more like a mob. Punks, terrorists, revolutionaries, criminals, gangbangers and the like make up the Brujah; the clan seems to be united in nothing save its contempt for the institutions of vampire and mortal society. Well, this is not entirely true; Clan Brujah are among the most savage vampires, and the most trivial slight or annoyance may trigger a howling Brujah frenzy.

The Brujah's disunity keeps the clan tenuously in the Camarilla, but Brujah thugs routinely defect to the anarchs, the better to strike against their hated elders. Even the "tamer" Brujah annoy the elders and princes routinely through acts of defiance and rebellion. Despite their recalcitrance, however, Brujah are valued as warriors; they are perhaps the most dangerous vampires in a straightforward battle. To anger a Brujah is nigh suicidal - and Brujah are notorious for their tempers.

Allies: Gangrel
Enemies: Toreador, Ventrue

Celerity - Supernatural Speed
Potence - Supernatural Strength
Presence - Supernatural Charisma

Blood Madness. Brujah anger much more quickly than other vampires do. All difficulties to resist frenzy increase.


Symbol: Wolf's Head

Of all vampires, the Gangrel are perhaps closest to their inner nature. These nomadic loners spurn the constraints of society, preferring the comfort of the wilderness. How they avoid the wrath of the werewolves is unknown; perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the Gangrel are themselves shapeshifters. When a mortal speaks of a vampire changing into a wolf or a bat, she is probably speaking of a Gangrel.

Like the Brujah, Gangrel are fierce warriors; unlike the Brujah, Gangrel ferocity does not stem from anarchic rage, but from animalistic instinct. Gangrel have a keen understanding of the Beast in their souls, and prefer to spend their nights in communion with the animals whom they so emulate.

Allies: Brujah
Enemies: Tremere

Animalism - Summon Creature
Fortitude - Supernatural Stamina
Protean - Shapechanging

Bloodlust. Gangrel are tainted by the Beast Within. Over time, many Gangrel develop animal features, such as catlike eyes, fur, or batlike snouts and ears. In any event, Gangrel often find it difficult to spare wounded or beaten foes.


Symbol: Broken Mirror

At first glance, the members of Clan Malkavian do not appear to be a clan at all; they are chosen from all races, creeds and social strata. But Malkavians, regardless of mortal standing, bear one disturbing commonality: They are all quite mad. Whether from the clan's choice of victims, the circumstances of the Embrace, or some property in Malkavian blood itself, all Malkavians go insane shortly after the transformation (if they were not insane to begin with).

Accordingly, many Malkavians find themselves pariahs, ostracized by a vampiric society fearful of their random urges and capricious whims. Wiser Kindred, however, prefer to keep the madmen close at hand: Behind the Malkavians' lunatic cackling and feverish rantings lie smatterings of insight, even wisdom.

Allies: Nosferatu
Enemies: Tremere

Auspex - Able to see auras
Dementation - Can impose their insanity on another
Obfuscate - Invisibility (the power to become 'dim')

Mad Fits. The Malkavian can randomly fall into a frothing, gibbering fit. While in the fit, the Malkavian can do nothing except writhe, babble and twitch; not even to defend themselves if attacked.


Symbol: Tragedy (without Comedy)

Caine's childer are called "The Damned," and no vampires embody this more than do the wretches of Clan Nosferatu. While other vampires still look human and may travel in mortal society, Nosferatu are twisted and deformed by the curse of vampirism. To put it bluntly, the Embrace transforms them into hideous monsters. Unable to walk among humans, Nosferatu must dwell in subterranean sewers and catacombs. Other vampires revile Nosferatu, considering them disgusting and interacting with them only when they must.

Because of this stigma, however, Nosferatu are survivors par excellence. Few creatures, mortal or vampire, know the city's back alleys and dark corners like the Nosferatu do. Additionally, Nosferatu have refined the crafts of sneaking and eavesdropping to fine arts; if anyone or anything has the latest dirt on mortal or vampiric society, it is the Nosferatu. Finally, millennia of shared deformity and abuse have fostered strong bonds among the monsters. Nosferatu forego the squabbling and feuds ubiquitous to the other clans, preferring to work in unison. You mess with one, you mess with 'em all - and that can get messy indeed.

Allies: Malkavian
Enemies: Toreador

Animalism - Summon Creature
Obfuscate - Invisibility (the power to become 'dim')
Potence - Supernatural Strength

Loathsome. As has been mentioned, Nosferatu are horrifically foul to look at, and not overly pleasant to boot. A Nosferatu's Social Trait is considered to be zero - unable to intimidate, use diplomacy and most certainly not seduce.


Symbol: Rose

The Toreador are called many things - "degenerates," "artistes," "poseurs," and "hedonists" being but a few. But any such mass categorization does the clan a disservice. Depending on the individual and her mood, Toreador are alternately elegant and flamboyant, brilliant and ludicrous, visionary and dissipated. Perhaps the only truism that can be applied to the clan is its members' aesthetic zeal. Whatever a Toreador does, she does with passion. Whatever a Toreador is, she is with passion.

To the Toreador, eternal life is to be savored. Many Toreador were artists, musicians or poets in life; many more have spent frustrating centuries producing laughable attempts at art, music or poetry. Toreador share the Ventrue's love of high society, though not for them the tedium of actually running things - that's what functionaries are for, darling. Toreador know that their place is to captivate and inspire - through their witty speech, graceful deeds, and simple, scintillating existence.

Allies: Ventrue
Enemies: Brujah, Nosferatu

Auspex - Can see auras
Celerity - Supernatural Speed
Presence - Supernatural Charisma

Rapture. Toreador are lovers of the aesthetic and beautiful. When a Toreador views, hears or even smells something that is truly beautiful, they might become entranced by the sensation. The Toreador will stand in rapt fascination for a scene or until the beautiful thing withdraws. Enraptured Toreador may not even defend themselves if attacked, though being wounded allows them to "break the spell."


Symbol: Male symbol with a square within it

History and Characteristics:
Even among vampires, the insular Clan Tremere bears a reputation for treachery. This reputation is well earned; the Tremere were formerly a cabal of human wizards who, hungering for immortal life, wrested the secrets of vampirism from unwilling Kindred. Such vile deeds earned the clan a sinister reputation; even today, certain vampire clans would love nothing better than to destroy the entire Tremere line.

Nonetheless, Clan Tremere holds a place in the Camarilla, for its members were instrumental in suppressing the Inquisition and supporting the Masquerade. Then, too, the Tremere have proved themselves dangerous enemies - and powerful allies. Tremere still practice a version of the arcane arts they studied in life, and so these "warlocks" use their sorcerous powers in service to the Camarilla almost as much as they use the Camarilla in service to themselves.

Allies: Ventrue
Enemies: Gangrel, Malkavian, Nosferatu

Auspex - Can see auras
Dominate - Mind control over others
Thaumaturgy - Ability to use blood magic

Hierarchy. All Tremere are expected to be loyal to the Seven Elders who rule the clan - but just in case, all Tremere are required to drink the blood of the Seven Elders. This ingestion creates a mystic link among all members of the Tremere, but particularly between elder and younger Tremere. A Tremere character mostly cannot resist a direct command from a Tremere elder (difficulty varies, depending on the absurdity of the command - for example, refusing a request to deliver a message would be very difficult, but refusing a command to kill oneself would be a bit easier).


Symbol: Sceptre

History and Characteristics:
Elegant, aristocratic and regal, the Ventrue are the lords of the Camarilla. It was Clan Ventrue that provided the cornerstone of the Camarilla, and it is Clan Ventrue that directs and coaxes the Camarilla in its darkest hours. Even in the modern age, the majority of princes descend from Clan Ventrue. The Ventrue would, of course, have things no other way. In the tradition of noblesse oblige, the Ventrue must lead the other clans for their own good.

In ancient nights, Ventrue were chosen from nobles, merchant princes or other wielders of power. In modern times the clan recruits from wealthy "old-money" families, ruthless corporate climbers, and politicians. Although Ventrue move in the same social circles as the Toreador, they do not fritter away their existences in frivolity and idle chatter. The Ventrue proudly wear the privileges of leadership, and stoically bear its burdens. Thus has it always been; thus shall it always be.

Allies: Tremere, Toreador
Enemies: Brujah

Dominate - Mind control over others
Fortitude - Supernatural Stamina
Presence - Supernatural Charisma

Rarefied Tastes. Ventrue are elegant and discriminating, even when it comes to blood. Not just any blood will do for a Ventrue; they must pick a certain type of blood on which they feeds (only from musicians, only from virgins, only from royalty, only Shriners, etc.). This blood, and only this blood, will satisfy the Ventrue's palate; they are unable to drink anything else, even if starving.

Picture: Vampire: The Masquerade, Logo