<< DEMONS - ICE >>

Classification: Demon


Demonic Form:
Due to their colouring, ice demons tend to blend in with the human race better than their Water Demon counterparts, though there is no mistaking them for a human when one is close enough, because their skin has an icy-sheen quality to it, and they posses nubs of ice on their heads - small horns which proclaims their demonic heritage.

Features are usually very angular and statuesque - as though they have been chipped by a sculptor out of the very ice themselves. Their hair, if they have any, is wispy and always white. Their eyes are one of three pale colours; ice-blue, ice-green or ice-gray.

Human Form
Their horns disappear and their skin loses the icy quality, appearing less translucent, but you will never find an ice-demon with a tanned human form. Their eye colour remains the same.

In both Human and Demonic form
They are able to turn any water into ice with their touch, and can also turn moisture directly out of the air into ice as well, causing such things as dry-ice smoke screens if they wish to evade someone. Be wary of ice demons when it rains or if near one while swimming, for they could turn anyone who is saturated or surrounded by water, into an ice-block.

In both Human and Demonic form
Prolonged heat of any kind will be fatal; because of this, ice-demons have adopted a nocturnal quality for the nights are cooler. The sun is not their friend. For those 'in the know', they are often confused with vampires due to their pale colouring and nocturnal habits. They are always offended by this.

General Personalities:
Ice demons are much like their element, cool and indifferent. It is said their hearts are made of the very substance they control. It is extremely rare for an ice-demon to display any emotions whatsoever.

Interesting Facts:
They can cast themselves into suspended animation and have everyone to think that they are a very clever statue. They are vulnerable in this state, so usually trek to places like the North or South pole before performing this feat.

Artwork: Natalie Clark, yuki no onna: Ice Demon [Website]