Author Topic: Valentine Odin Kar  (Read 2145 times)

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Valentine Odin Kar
« on: December 31, 2007, 09:12:37 AM »
Name: Valentine Odin Kar
Age [appearance]: He appears to be in his late teens or early twenties
Age [actual]: Three hundred. Give or take
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Hair: A deep crimson. Shaggy and messily hanging around his face. A few inches above his shoulders.
Eyes: Bright green. Contrasting greatly against his hair and pale skin. Slanted and thin. Seemingly Asian. When angered or thristy they fog to a crimson. Darker than his hair.
Frame: He is thinner than most. Lanky seeming. Though still muscular. Standing at at least six feet.
Tattoos/Distinguishing Marks: A small slash scar on his left wrist. A paler color than his already pale skin. And large grey wings tattooed on his back.
Usually seen wearing: Jeans or black slacks. Loose silk or cotton button down shirts. Weird graphic tees. Furry jackets that are seemingly too large for him. Leather. Lots of leather. Combat boots. Loafers. Converese.
Usually seen holding: A cigarette. Camera. Game boy. Or random book.
Personality: He is a complete jackass. Not giving a crap about anyone but himself. And barely even caring about that. He is never sympathetic towards anyone. A total snob. Thinking he is better than all. And because of this he is often very sarcastic, vain, and rude. From far away, people would just think he was a hot looking weirdo. But the first thing out of his mouth if you talk to him would probably be: " Leave me the Hell alone. " Unless of course you were a good looking guy. He is a complete player. Often making him seem even more of jackass. But despite it all, he is very intelligent.
He is suicidal. But not in the way that you think. He doesn\'t take pills for fun. He doesn\'t cut himself. Nope. He likes to play in traffic. Or do the dumbest stunts. And his excuse is often just that he was bored. Also quite bi-polar. He goes from hyperactive, flirty idiot. To cynical, murdering idiot in less than two seconds. Showing that he is indeed a very violent person. He smokes, more packs than any one person should.
History: Because of his gift of sight. The memories and pasts of other\'s line his mind. He doesn\'t remember anything of his own, or at least doesn\'t know what is his own. Except the memory of the pain of his change. And the sweet scent of his old Master.
Awareness of Supernaturals: Quite aware. Being that he is very supernatural himself.
Occupation/Job: His occupation changes regularly. Usually pissing off the employer or just getting bored. At the moment he often works as a bartender.
Interesting Facts / Quirks: Hmmm...He gets bored very easily. And hates girls. They just annoy the Hell outta him.
Hobby/Hobbies: Photography. Painting. Video games.
Likes: Sweets. Photos. Guys. Sex. Rain. Games. Cigarettes. Liquior. Blood. Cats. Snow.
Dislikes: Girls. Cops. Doctors. Complicated electronics. Dogs. Onions. Coffee. The sun.
Strength: Inhuman strength. Speed. And all that jazz. Though with touch he is also able to other\'s past, or read their mind. This being why he often wears leather gloves.
Weakness/Flaw: His gift of sight. It can get in the way. The sun. Lack of blood. Anything cute.
Anything Else To Add: Not really. Just ask if anything eles wanted.
Body Language
Common stance 1: Standing with weight on one leg, elbow of the arm holding his cigarette resting on the pal of his other hand. Expression bored.
Common stance 2: Fists or palms on his hips in annoyance.
Common stance 3: Arms crossed regularly over his chest. Leaning against the wall. One foot kicking back against the wall.
Visual Habits: Chewing gently on his bottom lip. Smoking. Drinking.
Pictures: [ Ignore goggles ]