Author Topic: Ezekiel  (Read 2220 times)

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Offline Trillian

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« on: January 04, 2008, 09:25:11 PM »
Derevaun seraun : The end of pleasure is pain

Age [appearance]: 25
Age [actual]: Indeterminate
Gender: Male
Species: Dark Angel
Hair:  Vibrant red in long flowing wavy locks that are cut ragged to his shoulder blades.  Soft and unstyled, his hair is a mane.
Eyes:  Emerald green that blaze with a ring of fiery red around the irises.  These eyes shimmer with a calculated cleverness.
Frame: 6\'5"
Wings: Vibrant red, large and obvious on his back, there is no way to hide them.  He is proud of his wings, not minding that they are no longer white or gold.
 Tattoos/Distinguishing Marks: No scars, bruises, cuts or imperfections such as moles, freckles, tanning of skin or fingerprints.  Anything that wounds him can heal almost instantaneously because of what he used to be and therefore retained most of his powers of.
Personality: He is a risk-taker, he is a soldier, he feels invincible and does things against his better judgement.  He is vain and proud.  He is strong willed and doesn\'t take orders well.  He is a natural leader though hard-hearted and not very fair.  He collects minions easily, attracting the weak minded or the fearful to him like the opposite poles of a magnet.  He is violent, confident, zealous and fanatical about his own abilities.  He has faith in only himself and trusts no-one.  He has a fascination with shifters and kill them as often as he can if only just to see them rise and pretend that he has no longer lost his reincarnative powers, he is delusional.
History: Ezekiel was one of the first angels of God, charged with the task of overseeing Death and Transformation - he was made an Archangel, chief to the others with the task of bestowing reincarnation upon the mortal world.  However, after many centuries of watching the same mortals repeat the same mistakes, he saw fit to grace them with the gift of prediction, offering some special souls the gift of inner sight (or a third eye that could foretell the future).  This was his way of offering the mortals would not make the same mistake again.  His interference with the future of mankind saw fit for him to fall, and once he was shunned from the grace of the heavens, his bitterness, anger and resentment saw him turning to darkness in order to retain his powers and immortality.

His powers, however, changed.  No longer could his powers with death and transformation form the blessing of reincarnation.  Such abilities now meant that he resided only over death, though he found that if he killed a being that possessed the powers of transformation, they would not die but rise once again.  Such was the mixed blessing of his new dark talents.  He would never be able to kill or curse anything that possessed the power of transformation.

Awareness of Supernaturals: He knows them all, by sight, smell and innate sense.  He has been around for longer than mankind and has watched as each species has either manifested or crossed the plane into the mortal realm.

Interesting Facts / Quirks: He doesn\'t often visit the mortal plane, for this makes him corporeal and therefore able to be destroyed.  With his ability to see into the future, he peeked once himself and saw a fragment of his own destruction.  It happened upon the mortal plane and so he shies from it unless there is something urgent inside of him that needs to be catered to.

Hobby/Hobbies: Stalking shifters of any kind.
Likes: Himself, powers, when things go his way, when he gets what he wants exactly how he wanted it, when his demand is fulfilled immediately, having many servants and slaves, dressing in white, carrying around his angelic flail - which turned dark when he did.

Dislikes: When things don\'t go his way and he is on the losing side, losing his temper, impudence, disrespect, disloyalty.
Strength: He has a strong will and doesn\'t indulge in things that make him weak very easily.  He possesses glamour - the ability to weave the illusion that his wings are simply not there.

Weakness/Flaw:  His selfishness, vanity, pride, risk-taking, excessiveness, over-zealousness, short temper and impatience for most beings around him.

Photomanipulated by ivybekket
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