Author Topic: Lex  (Read 2224 times)

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« on: December 30, 2007, 07:00:44 AM »
Name: Lex Lece Synful
Age [appearance]: she looks about 36
Age [actual]: she is 713 years of age
Gender: Female
Species: Dark Angel
Hair: Originally blonde, her hair is now black
Eyes: Her eyes are normally maroon however when angry they turn a brighter red. When she is not at ease her eyes will turn purple, and when she is paying special attention to detail or is interested in something her eyes will turn amber.
Frame: Slender and 5’7"
Tattoos/Distinguishing Marks: one tattoo on her wrist, an upside down heart. She only has one black wing, hides it with glamour.
Personality: Lex is sarcastic, has no pity for others, she likes to torment those in love and is often the cause for many broken hearts. She dwells on her past, and is very wishy washy, she does not choose just one thing. She analyzes too much, and would rather be alone than in the presence of someone.
History: Lex’s father is an angel, so when Lex died she would ultimately become an angel herself. In her mortal life she was a pianist. She was obsessed with music and her former husband. The couple were very much in love. Three years after marrying, her husband died of cancer. After becoming an angel she began searching desperately for her husband, and finally found him in purgatory and was determined to bring him back. The higher power found out what she had tried to do. She was then banished to the human world as a fallen angel. Outraged that the higher power had done this to her she began to hack off her black wings. After ridding herself of one of them she stopped herself.
Awareness of Supernaturals: Aware
Interesting Facts / Quirks: Her past friends would bite their nails so she took up the habit, although she had limits, she only did it when she has a hangnail and won\'t do it for any other reason.
Hobby/Hobbies: She likes to play the piano and read.
Likes: Music, books, knowledge. People who are humorous. Extravagant clothing.
Dislikes: Imbeciles. Dogs. Stubborn people. Hypocrites.
Strength: She is good with weapons and magic.
Weakness/Flaw: she can never make up her mind. She is too absorbed in her past. She often acts recklessly and forgets everything else that’s going on.
Anything Else To Add: Lex is both book smart and street smart, she picks things up easily, but tends to forget things in the heat of the moment and so when she has no time to think things through she acts recklessly this also applies to her when she is angry or sad.