Author Topic: Writmo del Lobo Oscuro  (Read 4210 times)

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Writmo del Lobo Oscuro
« on: December 27, 2007, 07:43:35 AM »
Name: Writmo del Lobo Oscuro “Rhythm of the Dark Wolf”
Age [appearance]: 19
Age [actual]: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Were Shifter
Sexuality: Straight
Clan: Dark Wolves Clan

Appearance (human)
Hair: Fiery blonde in colour, long and straight in front with a high, loosely curled pony tail in back, choppily cut and layered.
Eyes: Piercing green and almond shaped.
Frame: Slender with an athletic build, height about 5\'6".
Tattoos/Distinguishing Marks: A scorpion adorns her right thigh in remembrance of her lover, Scorpid, who gave his life for her (more detail in Occupation). The Dark Wolves mark on her forehead is two crescent moons turned toward one another with three leaves in a clover form between them. The clover is symbolic of herself, her lover, and the angel who separated them, i.e. they are all connected. Also, two lines criss-cross from her left shoulder across the top of her breast to the middle of her chest. These are representative of her parents. All tattoos are in a dark blood red ink.

Appearance (wolf)
Fur: Raven black in colour.  Fur colour changes because all the Dark Wolves are dark in colour, a gift given by their leader, Keynigh Dios del Noche. All retain a distinguishing mark as well as the Dark Wolves mark. Long and shaggy for warmth and protection.
Eyes: Piercing green
Frame: Slender with an athletic build, large in stature with broad shoulders and visibly powerful muscles.
Tattoos/Distinguishing marks: Her right hind paw has a touch of white fur and the Dark Wolves mark remains in white on her forehead.

Personality: Writmo has high sensitivity to motion and sound in both forms. Her skills as a hunter are marvelous and her patience exceeds that of most species. She talks with a bit of a growl in her voice and tends to be very affectionate and touchy. She is watchful and careful and moves quickly. She is always ready for action and never lets down her guard.

History: Writmo comes from a long line of shape shifters. Both of her parents are Were Shifters and members of the Dark Wolves (see Occupation for more detail).

Awareness of Supernaturals: Writmo possesses varying sensitivity to different beings depending on her form.

Sensory List:
  • Akari/Zalmric- high sensitivity in both forms.

  • Angels (Dark, Fallen, and Good)- high sensitivity in both forms.
  • Cheshire Cat- high sensitivity in wolf form;low sensitivity in human form.
  • Demons (All demons)- high sensitivity in both forms.
  • Dör Unicorn- no sensitivity in human form; moderate sensitivity in wolf form.
  • Dryad- no sensitivity in either form.

  • Faerie- no sensitivity in either form.
  • Gorgons- high sensitivity in both forms.

  • Human Beings- high sensitivity in both forms.
  • Imps (5 Types)- no sensitivity in either form.
  • Incubus / Succubus- no sensitivity in either form.

  • Nightmares- no sensitivity in either form.
  • Pindae- no sensitivity in either form.

  • Shape Shifters- high sensitivity in both forms.
  • Sidhe- no sensitivity in either form.
  • Skvaders- moderate sensitivity in both forms.

  • Spectre- high sensitivity in wolf form; no sensitivity in human form.

  • Vampire (Infusco and Masquerade)- high sensitivity in both forms .
  • Werewolves- high sensitivity in both forms.

  • Wraiths- high sensitivity in wolf form; no sensitivity in human form.

Occupation/Job: The Dark Wolves are a coalition of Were Shifters and Werewolves that search the land at night to eliminate Angels, dark, fallen, and good. Writmo herself joined the Dark Wolves because she lost her lover, Scorpid, to a Dark Angel. She had been with him that night and the Angel had come from out of no where. Writmo had sensed something, but her youth prevented her from knowing what it was (Keynigh blesses his followers with heightened sensitivity). Scorpid had just become a member of the Dark Wolves and the two were heading to his marking ceremony. He made her go. She would never forget the guilt and pain of that night when she left him to die. She arrived at the the ceremony and received the scorpion on her thigh instead of her lover getting the mark he so deserved.

Interesting Facts / Quirks: Writmo sleeps in her wolf form regardless of necessity.

Hobby/Hobbies: She is a fantastic bowman, and dead-aim hunter.

Likes: hunting, writing poetry (very dark), and taunting demons

Dislikes: Angels of any kind

Strength: Speed, accuracy, and balance

Weakness/Flaw: The need to destroy

Anything Else To Add: Writmo is a very good liar. She tends to be devious and sneaky.
